Love of Reading: Fun Ways to Celebrate World Book Day with Your Children

Here at Philly & Friends, we love World Book Day and all that it represents. After all, our brand all started from our book, Who Do I See in the Mirror? For those who may not know, World Book Day is a global phenomenon encouraging everyone to embrace the joy of reading and the power of stories. As parents, it's the perfect opportunity to ignite a love of reading in your children and create lasting memories.

This blog post is brimming with creative ideas to make World Book Day a truly special occasion for your little ones:

1. Storytime Adventures:

  • Cosy Up with Classics: Revisit your own childhood favourites and share them with your children. The magic of these timeless tales never fades!
  • World Tour Through Books: Explore diverse cultures and broaden your child's horizons by picking books set in different countries or featuring characters from various backgrounds.
  • Interactive Storytelling: Bring stories to life with funny voices, sound effects, and even costumes! Encourage your child to participate by making predictions or acting out scenes.

2. Craft Corner:

  • Book Character Crafts: Let your child's imagination run wild by creating their favourite book characters using card, paints, and other craft supplies.
  • DIY Bookmarks: Design unique bookmarks together using colourful paper, ribbon, and embellishments like buttons or stickers. This personal touch will make every reading session special.
  • Story-Inspired Art: After reading a book, encourage your child to express their understanding and emotions through drawings, paintings, or even sculptures.

3. The Great Outdoors:

  • Picnic in the Park: Pack a basket with your child's favourite snacks and head to a local park for a story time picnic under the open sky.
  • Storytelling Walk: Embark on a nature walk and narrate a story along the way, incorporating elements from your surroundings.
  • Build a Reading Nook: Create a cosy and inviting reading nook in your living room, playroom or back garden using blankets, cushions, and fairy lights.

4. Explore Literary Landmarks:

  • Visit a Bookshop: Immerse yourselves in the wonderland of a bookshop. Browse the shelves together, let your child pick out a special book, and perhaps enjoy a story time session or meet the author in residence!
  • Cosy Up in a Cafe: Find a cafe with a comfortable atmosphere and enjoy a hot chocolate or afternoon tea while you delve into your favourite stories together.
  • Discover Your Local Library: Libraries are treasure troves of books, offering a vast selection to choose from, often accompanied by story time sessions, workshops, and even author talks.

Bonus: Sign up to Philly & Friends' World Book Day Storytelling Event for Children

  • Join Philly & Friends for a World Book Day Storytelling Event on Friday, March 8th at 11am. This event is the perfect opportunity for your child to celebrate the magic of reading and make unforgettable memories.

Remember, the most important ingredient for a successful World Book Day celebration is your enthusiasm and participation! Make it a fun and interactive experience, and your child will develop a lifelong love of reading.

Happy World Book Day!

P.S. Don't forget to check out the Philly & Friends website and explore our collection of educational toys and games designed to spark children's creativity and imagination, all while nurturing a love for learning!

"Play is the work of children"

Maria Montessori