A Simple Prayer to Help You Thrive During the Lockdown, COVID-19 and Challenging Times

So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honourable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God praising him always. Phillippians 4:8 (Adaptation)

The last six weeks have been like a scene from a movie - Will Smith’s I am Legend comes to mind. I went from shock to panic to barely making it through the suddenness of how things changed so quickly and being locked down with my very active kids (1-year-old boy and 2-year-old girl). The first couple of weeks were like a blur; they were HARD. The days were tiring and overwhelming. I was left feeling so depleted by the end of the second week. I knew I needed to make some changes.

I paused, took a step back and changed strategy. The first thing I did was to guard my quiet time jealously and then I began to change my mindset actively. I started positive confessions, "I will THRIVE not survive". I began to see the changes in my mood and overall aura. Finally, I sat down and wrote a simple prayer. I wrote my desires for the lockdown period and began to confess it every morning. I shared the prayer with my family, a couple of friends and one of my mummy groups, and they all loved it. So, I decided to share it with you too. I hope it helps you through this season.


I will enjoy my time with my babies.
They will grow in grace and wisdom as they spend time at home with me.
I will enjoy watching them grow, learn and play.
I will use this time to pour positive values into them.
I will create memories with them.
It will be a positive experience that I will cherish forever.
We will build bonds that can never be broken.
I will give myself grace and allow them to be children.
I will be okay with the house being untidy.
I will put on a positive mindset.
I will enjoy this time with my husband.
We will reconnect like never before.
We will find that new love like when we first met.
We will build great memories.
Our marriage will be refreshed, and we will be like newlyweds.
We will grow in our understanding of each other.
We will give ourselves allowances.
We will believe the best.
We will walk in love.
I will think positively.
I will not be anxious.
I will commit everything to God
It is well with me and my household.
I will be kind to my partner, my kids and most importantly, myself.
I will THRIVE not survive.

This prayer and my quiet time honestly transformed my life. I went from barely surviving to flourishing. I am happy and filled with so much joy. My kids are flourishing and enjoying their time at home with mum and dad. I still get tired; it is a lot of work juggling it all. But guess what? I'm not struggling; I am THRIVING.

PS: Please, feel free to adapt and make it yours. You don’t have to be married or have kids to confess these things. This is my current reality, use yours and make the prayer your own. <3


Philly & Friends is a children’s brand that publishes diverse children’s books and creates products and media content. Our books and products are designed to instil confidence and positive values in children. Our debut children’s book is titled, Who Do I See in the Mirror? You can see more by clicking the picture below.

"Play is the work of children"

Maria Montessori